नेपाल सरकार
वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालय
राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु संरक्षण विभाग

राष्ट्रिय संरक्षण दिवस २०८१ ( ७ असोज २०८१) सम्पन्न | नव नियुक्त महानिर्देशक डा. रामचन्द्र कंडेललाई राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज विभागमा स्वागत । | विश्‍व बाघ दिवस ( Global Tiger Day, 29 July 2024)



Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), known as Krishnasar in Nepali belongs to order Artiodactyla and family Bovidae. In Nepal, blackbuck distribution in its natural habitat is restricted to Blackbuck Conservation Area at Khairapur in Bardia district of Western Tarai. The global population in its natural range is estimated as 50,000 individuals. According to the Annual Report of DNPWC (2019), its population is 328 including Krishnasar Conservation Area and Shukla Phanta National Park. Blackbuck faces several conservation threats such as human encroachment causing degradation and loss of habitat and genetic depression due to inbreeding. Additionally, possible threat of wiping out isolated population by natural calamities. To minimize these threats, DNPWC has translocated blackbuck in Hirapur phanta of Shukla Phanta National park where these species were recorded back in 1960s. The translocation programme is reinforced by formulation and implementation of site specific conservation action plan in Shukla P hanta National park. Global category of IUCN Red List for blackbuck is Near Threatened while national is Critically Endangered. In Nepal it is Protected (Appendix I) by National Park and Wildlife Conservation Act 1973. Similarly CITES listed it in Appendix I species.


  • Jnawali, S. R., Baral, H. S., Lee, S., Acharya, K. P., Upadhyay, G. P., Pandey, M., ... & Khatiwada, A. P. (2011). The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series-IUCN.