नेपाल सरकार
वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालय
राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु संरक्षण विभाग

राष्ट्रिय संरक्षण दिवस २०८१ ( ७ असोज २०८१) सम्पन्न | नव नियुक्त महानिर्देशक डा. रामचन्द्र कंडेललाई राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज विभागमा स्वागत । | विश्‍व बाघ दिवस ( Global Tiger Day, 29 July 2024)



Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica ssp. gangetica), known as Shons or Su-su in Nepali, belongs to order Cetartiodactyla family Platanistidae. Globally, it is native to Bangladesh, India and Nepal. In Nepal, this species is restricted to the Karnali, Geruwa, Mohana, Bhada, Koshi and Narayani river systems. With exception in Bardia National park, the record of this species is totally outside the protected area system of Nepal. The global estimated population of this species is less than 2000.The national population size of this species is less than 20 adults with a population observed to be in decline. It is listed as an endangered species in IUCN red list category, however, national red list of mammals categorizes it as a critically endangered species. The legal status of this species in Nepal is Protected (Appendix I) under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1973 and Appendix I in CITES law.


  • Jnawali, S. R., Baral, H. S., Lee, S., Acharya, K. P., Upadhyay, G. P., Pandey, M., ... & Khatiwada, A. P. (2011). The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series-IUCN.