Government of Nepal
Ministry of Forests and Environment
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

संरक्षित क्षेत्र कार्यालयहरुको आ.ब. २०८२/८३ का लागि योजना तर्जुमा गोष्ठी सम्पन्न । | ४१ औं वार्डेन सेमिनार तथा २३ औं म.क्षे.व्य.समितिका अध्यक्षहरुको भेला सम्पन्न । | ११औं अन्तराष्‍ट्रिय हिउँ चितुवा दिवस- २०८१ कार्तिक ७ (सन् २०२४ अक्टोवर, २३)


Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis)

Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis homrai) belongs to Coraciiformes Order and Bucerotidae Family. The bird is native to Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. Great Hornbill is a rare and local resident bird in Nepal (100-500m altitude). Great Hornbill is recorded from Chitwan National Park (2009, 2010, 2012) and its  Buffer zone: Barandbahar forests, Kumroj and Namuna Community Forests (2000, 2007, 2012); Bardia National Park (2006, 2009, 2012), Parsa Wildlife Reserve (2003),  Ghodaghodi lake area (2009), Kapilvastu District forests (2009), Sarlahi District forests (2011), between Garuwa and Sukhani of Jhapa/Ilam Districts (1993), Ram Dhuni Sal forest of  Sunsari District (1994) and Raja Rani Community Forest of Morang District (2004). The estimated population of Great Hornbill in Nepal is between 80 and 150 individuals. It is listed as a Near Threatened species in the IUCN Red List category.  Nepal Bird Red Data Book categorizes it as an endangered species. The legal status of this globally near threatened species in Nepal is Protected (Appendix I) under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1973 and Appendix I in CITES law.