Government of Nepal
Ministry of Forests and Environment
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

संरक्षित क्षेत्र कार्यालयहरुको आ.ब. २०८२/८३ का लागि योजना तर्जुमा गोष्ठी सम्पन्न । | ४१ औं वार्डेन सेमिनार तथा २३ औं म.क्षे.व्य.समितिका अध्यक्षहरुको भेला सम्पन्न । | ११औं अन्तराष्‍ट्रिय हिउँ चितुवा दिवस- २०८१ कार्तिक ७ (सन् २०२४ अक्टोवर, २३)


Panthera tigris

Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) belongs to order Carnivora and family Felidae. The Bengal Tiger probably arrived in the Indian subcontinent approximately 12,000 years ago. It occurs in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Its populations exist in fragmented locations in the Terai region and core sub populations are concentrated in the protected areas of Bardia National Park, Chitwan National Park, Parsa Naional Park, Banke National Park and Shukla Phanta National and the districts of Banke, Bara, Bardia, Chitwan, Dang, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Makawanpur, Nawalparasi, Parsa and Rupandehi. This area was once a continuous subtropical forest zone but tigers are now isolated to the remnants of remaining suitable habitat. Most tigers exist within protected areas however approximately a quarter remain outside. The global population of this species is about 3200. According to the Annual Report of DNPWC (2019), its population is 235. It is listed as endangered species by IUCN red list category as it is experiencing declines due to Poaching and illegal trade, Reduction in prey base, Habitat fragmentation or modification, and Human-tiger conflict. hunting and habitat degradation and fragmentation. National red list of mammals categorizes it as an endangered species. The legal status of this species in Nepal is Protected (Appendix I) under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1973 and Appendix I in CITES law.


  • Jnawali, S. R., Baral, H. S., Lee, S., Acharya, K. P., Upadhyay, G. P., Pandey, M., ... & Khatiwada, A. P. (2011). The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series-IUCN.