Government of Nepal
Ministry of Forests and Environment
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

संरक्षित क्षेत्र कार्यालयहरुको आ.ब. २०८२/८३ का लागि योजना तर्जुमा गोष्ठी सम्पन्न । | ४१ औं वार्डेन सेमिनार तथा २३ औं म.क्षे.व्य.समितिका अध्यक्षहरुको भेला सम्पन्न । | ११औं अन्तराष्‍ट्रिय हिउँ चितुवा दिवस- २०८१ कार्तिक ७ (सन् २०२४ अक्टोवर, २३)


Moschus chrysogaster

Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster) belongs to Artiodactyla Order and Moschidae Family. It is found in mid and north-east of Asia and Himalayan regions. It is reported in Sagarmatha National Park, Lamtang National Park and Himalayan protected areas of Nepal. The characteristic feature of musk deer is the male have musk pod in male which weight is about 30 to 45 gm. The lifespan of musk deer is 12 to 15 years. The body is dark brown in colour. The shape of the body includes long ear, short tail and male have enlarged upper canine forming like tusk.  Its height is 0.5 m to 0.6 m, length 0.85 m to 1 m and weight is about 10 to 15 kg. The gestation period of musk deer is 188 days. It is listed as a lower risk/near threatened species in the IUCN Red List category and Appendix I of CITES. National red list of mammals categorizes it as a data deficient species. The legal status of this species in Nepal is Protected (Appendix I) under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1973. It is protected because of its heavy habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and poaching. It is traded in national and international markets due to pod and teeth.


  • Jnawali, S. R., Baral, H. S., Lee, S., Acharya, K. P., Upadhyay, G. P., Pandey, M., ... & Khatiwada, A. P. (2011). The Status of Nepal's Mammals: The National Red List Series-IUCN.